Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Today we learned the name and a little about all the functions of our instruments. I then passed off my intra oral exam which was really hard because there are so many things to remember when doing it. I still passed even though I forgot to mention two things. I am looking forward to this weekend to practice my handling of instruments.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Exploring was scary today, I need a lot of practice with that and indirect vision. The frustrating part of today was radiology. We ran out of time and I felt like I got left behind.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Today we got to probe on our pod partner. I thought it was fun doing it on Eric but not as much fun having him probe my teeth. My mandibular molar is sore now. I want a lot more practice on probing and fulcruming because I still feel awkward but not as frustrated as last time. So I hope I am getting better.

Monday, September 21, 2009


I cannot get the fulcruming down. My hands feel so awkward. Kind of like dancing with two left feet. I am so uncoordinated. I have been practicing at home on my topadaunt but I need more work. I am so relieved though because I passed off my Health History today. I also took my DH exam and so tonight I can just focus on my anatomy test tomorrow and reading for DH. I will be so glad to get home it has been a very long day.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Learned how to look at the different views of the mouth with the mirror using indirect light and illumination. I felt so akward doing it, this is where the assistants and non-assistants will stand out. I am feeling really overwhelmed and stressed right now. I hope I will start to feel more sure of myself soon.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Learn how to do vitals today, bp, pulse and respirations. Pulse was easy, to me respirations were really hard. I had a hard time watching the clock and chest rise at the same time. I had a hard time with blood pressure until I had pointed out to me that I had the ear pieces in wrong, which is why I didn't hear anything. Once I turned them around it wasn't so hard. I thought taking vitals were really cool. We are still working on learning how to do a health history and that is still hard to me because there is so much to put in the HH and so many things to remember. Class tomorrow and an anatomy test that I hope I do really well on. Until Wed. I will be studying a lot!!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Health History

Today was so much information on filling out a health history. We did it for our pod partner which wasn't hard because my partner had "no" on every question. I wish he would have had some "yes" to learn better how to mark everything I needed to mark. Still full of a lot today. I will be studying HH a lot tonight. Passed off two more PE's I was so nervous, I don't know why, but by the end I was shaking. I passed so I am happy.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Health History

Today we learned how to fill out our health history. I can tell I need to read over my clinic manual on this. A lot to remember and very important stuff. Mess up this and it could be very bad for the patient. We also learned the positions to have our chair, I think I have that down, just need to make sure I know which teeth I am looking at in each position. We have a great TA that is so patient and very helpful. She is a second year so she totally gets how we feel and how overwhelming learning so much each day is like.