Thursday, March 31, 2011

Winding Down

After today only two more clinics and one more day at the VA. It should seem like it is going so fast but every morning when my alarm goes off I wonder if I can make it another day. I think I am physically and mentally exhausted from boards and have not had the days or nights to recooperate. I am pretty bummed, I thought I was done with all my class 3's and 4's and found out today I still need one more quad. I sure hope my 3 shows up next thursday since the one I had scheduled today stood me up.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Today was the first day of clinic after boards. It was so much more relaxed knowing I was done with WREB. I passed both local anesthesia exams and national boards. Still waiting to find out about Process of Care and calculus removal. I sure hope I passed because finding another board patient and transporting them to whereever they are testing plus paying all the fees againg would be awful.
If I did pass this next month will be really nice to finish up all my projects and start getting faster with my patients.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

LA Mockboard

Today was our LA mockboard, I passed the written, it wasn't so bad. I hope the real written board is like the one I took today. On the injections I failed the IA because I redirected my needle without announcing it and I passed the PSA. I am really nervous for the real thing. I wasn't very nervous today because I know the professors and I am not scared of them. But on the real day I am worried I will be shaking uncontrollably because it is the WREB examiners. I sure hope I pass.