Thursday, January 27, 2011

2nd MockBoard

Well I failed my second mockboard today, but looking on the positive side my score was 27 points higher than last time, so if I can continue to increase on each exam I should pass boards with flying colors.
Today started out as a nightmare. My patient cancelled 5 minutes after she should have arrived. I finally got someone in an hour late. My scale time was cut about 40 minutes and I was so flustered and shaky. When I gave my injection I was shaking so much from all the adrenaline pumping through my veins. I finally calmed down and began cleaning. My patient bleed like crazy and unfortunately the time I had to clean went way to fast and I didn't get the time I really needed to take a breather and go back in and feel with my explorer.
Even though I failed today I am very happy I got a patient in my chair and I got the experience again to clean someone that has very hard tenacious calculus. Even though I have seen class III's and IV' since the last mockboard I don't feel any of them have had the hard calculus like these patients have had.
I am looking forward to the next mockboard and hope I can get better and my patient will not cancel or be late.

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